Family Handbook
A partnership between home and school is the key to success for students. We understand our role in this partnership and believe we can make a positive impact on student achievement. Therefore, we agree to work together to ensure success for all students at Annandale Terrace by doing the following:
Parents' and Families' Responsibilities
I will:
- Send my children to school every day, on time, well-rested and prepared to learn.
- Update contact information in the main office (phone number, email and home address).
- Check backpacks daily.
- Respond promptly to teachers’ notes, school forms, and notices.
- Talk with my children about school every day.
- Read with my children every day.
- Practice math facts at home every day.
- Check agenda/take home folder daily (Grades K-5).
- Encourage my children to respect themselves, others, and the school.
- Attend conferences and school activities.
- Communicate with the school, using interpreters when necessary.
Staff's Responsibilities
I will:
- Promote a safe, welcoming and inclusive learning environment.
- Meet students’ individual needs through differentiated instruction.
- Promote a learning environment that challenges each child to think creatively and critically.
- Model and teach respect for self and others.
- Communicate frequently with families about students’ progress, using interpreters when necessary.
- Offer families ways to help students practice reading and math skills at home.
- Participate in professional development.
Student's Responsibilities
I will:
- Respect myself, others and my surroundings.
- Be honest and trustworthy.
- Follow school and classroom rules.
- Come to school every day, on time, well-rested, and prepared to learn.
- Do my best each day.
- Ask for help when needed
- Read at home every day.
- Complete assignments on time.
- Check my backpack and ask my family to check my agenda/take home folder (Grades (K-5) and any papers that need to be returned to school.
Absences and Tardies
Daily attendance is important! Unless a child is ill, he/she is expected to be in school. Please call the office by 9:00 a.m. at (703) 658-5656 or complete an attendance form online at anytime your child is absent. Otherwise, we will call to verify your child’s absence. The Standards for Accrediting Schools in Virginia specifies that schools provide 180 days of instruction for elementary students. Students who have been absent from school shall, upon return, present a note from the parent, guardian, or other responsible person, stating the reason for the absence. In accordance with policy 2232, reasons for approved absences include illness, death in the family, medical or dental appointment, and observance of religious holidays.
After the fifth unexcused absence, the school will refer the student to the attendance officer. Prolonged absences are of particular concern. After 15 days of consecutive absences, the student will be withdrawn and must re-enroll upon return. Please contact one of the administrators for extenuating circumstances impacting your child’s school attendance.
Students who are not in their classrooms by 8:35 a.m. are considered tardy. Late arriving students must be escorted by an adult into the office to sign in. Students are never to be dropped off in front of the school. The number of times a student is absent and/or tardy is recorded on the Progress Report. Excessive tardiness does impact instruction and learning, so please ensure your child is on time and ready for school.
After School
Students are not to remain at school after dismissal unless they are attending a supervised after-school activity in which their parent has enrolled them, or their parent has been notified in writing or by telephone that the teacher wishes them to stay. Please call us if your child does not come home at the usual time. If you get the school’s automated message, and/or if it is after regular business hours, then please call the FCPS School Security Office at 571-423-2000. The FCPS School Security Office will contact transportation staff members in order to determine the whereabouts of your child.
A student going home with another student must have a note from his/her parent plus a note from the parent of the friend he/she is visiting. All students are expected to go directly home after school. Please see more information regarding the Release of Students in this document.
We are refraining from having parents bring in food as a treat to share at school to celebrate their child’s birthday. Parents may send in non-food items such as pencils or stickers for their child to share with their class, in lieu of food, to celebrate birthdays.
The school will also recognize your child’s birthday with a birthday pencil and a card. In addition, we will announce your child’s name on his/her birthday during the morning news announcements.
If your child is having a birthday party outside of school and inviting classmates to his or her birthday party please do not have your child distribute the invitations at school, unless all students in your child’s class are invited.
Bring Your Own Device
FCPS is committed to assisting students and staff members in creating a 21st century learning environment. To support this progress, with classroom teacher approval, students may use their personal devices (smartphones, laptops, netbooks, tablets, etc.) to access the Internet and collaborate with other students during the school day. FCPS is not responsible for loss or damage of students’ devices.
Personal cell phones or smart watches that are not approved for instructional purposes must be turned off and kept in the student’s backpack. These devices are not to be used for calls, texts, or social media during the school day. If a student needs to make or receive a personal call, the student needs to let his/her teacher know. The teacher will then communicate the urgency of the phone call to the office.
Digital Tools Permission
At Annandale Terrace Elementary School, our teachers will use a variety of digital resources to support student learning and promote communication and collaboration with students and families. Some of the digital resources your child may use this year will require your consent before they can be used. You can find our school’s list of the resources that require parental consent. Additionally, you can find more information about approved digital resources in FCPS in our technology portion of our website.
School/family communication is a high priority at Annandale Terrace. One way we maintain consistent communication with families is by sending home a Community Updates newsletter once a month or more often when needed. Families will also receive classroom newsletters. In addition, notices and student work are sent home weekly in the “Take-Home-Wednesday” folder. We encourage families to communicate with teachers and administrators when needed. Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled during the first grading period and may be scheduled at any time throughout the school year. If you would like a conference with your child’s teacher, please email, send a note to the teacher or call the school office for an appointment. Please notify the school if a translator is needed.
FCPS has the electronic notification system e-Notify for emergency, delayed opening and school closing information, and attendance communication. Messages are sent using both e-mail and text messages.
Each student will be given their own Schoology learning account. Parents also have the opportunity to create a Schoology account of their own to view a variety of information about your child.
Parents must first create a SIS Parent Account to get a Schoology Parent Account. You will find the steps to create and activate your account as well as videos in Arabic, English, Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese to assist you with the process.
News You Choose
FCPS has an electronic notification system known as News You Choose. News You Choose is used to communicate non-emergency information such as newsletters, events, new updates, instructional and service programs. Register if you would like access to our most recent events.
Delayed Openings and Early Closing
Severe weather conditions or other school emergencies such as power failures may result in a delayed opening, school closing, or early dismissal of schools. Radio and TV stations, including Channel 21, carry the news as soon as such decisions are made. Weather related announcements are also available on the FCPS website. When weather is a concern, families should listen to local radio and television stations for school announcements.
In the event that schools open on a two hours delayed schedule, school hours will be from 10:35 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. Students are not allowed to be dropped off at the front entrance prior to 10:20 a.m. as there will be no supervision at this time.
If schools need to close two hours early, school hours will be from 8:35 a.m. to 1:20 p.m. Parents, please make sure your child knows where to go and what to do should school be dismissed early.
Emergency Care Cards
It is extremely important that we have your correct email address, home address and phone numbers. Please keep the office informed of any changes with home, work, or emergency contact information.
We must have an emergency care form (“Emergency Care Information”) with this information on file for each student. The parent’s/guardian’s signature at the bottom of the form authorizes a physician to provide emergency treatment for your children if you are not present. It is essential that this form is completed and returned to school as soon as possible. In order to have the most up-to-date information, please NOTIFY THE SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY if there are any changes in your address, phone number, diagnosed allergies, or your emergency contact person. There have been times when we have needed to contact a parent or other person in an emergency, but were unable to do so due to incomplete or incorrect contact information.
Food Services
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is committed to serving the whole child. FCPS offers numerous programs to support academic achievement and overall health. At Annandale Terrace Elementary School we are fortunate to bring the following food programs to our school for the 2022-2023 school year.
*Please note these programs are either funded by grants or federally funded programs. Therefore, we cannot guarantee providing these programs to our students every school year.
Annandale Terrace Elementary School Food Programs 2022-2023
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Meal Program
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) meal program is a USDA program where at qualifying schools all students automatically receive no-cost breakfast and lunch every day of the school year, even if the student would not qualify for free meals. Annandale Terrace Elementary School is proud to provide this program to the 2022 - 2023 school year. Please see information below regarding this program:
- Meal service is the same at CEP schools and non-CEP schools; a la carte items are still offered, but are not free. Examples of a la carte items are popcorn, cookies, water, and extra purchases of items which are part of the meal.
- Parents and guardians of students attending CEP schools are still asked to submit a free and reduced-price meal application by October 7, 2022 in order to qualify the student(s) for additional benefits. The FCPS Consent to Share Information for Other Programs form will continue to be utilized and is included in the free and reduced-price meal application process.
- Any previous cafeteria account balances you may have had from last school year, either positive or negative, have been carried over to this year. In addition, since students must still pay for a la carte items, you will continue to receive notices by email from Food Services when your student’s meal account balance is low.
- If you have a child at another school that is not participating in the CEP program and wish for them to be eligible for the free and reduced-price meal benefit, you must still submit an application in order to be approved.
- Students transferring from a school participating in CEP to another school within FCPS that is not participating in CEP will need to submit an application for the free and reduced-price meal benefits to Food and Nutrition Services unless the student is eligible for free meals through direct certification.
- Free and reduced-price meal applications may be completed online at MySchoolApps, or by submitting a handwritten, paper application. Paper applications must be the original red print forms, which are available at school offices and cafeterias. Copied application forms cannot be accepted. Families need to reapply each school year if they feel they still qualify.
For more information regarding CEP or free and reduced-price meal applications, visit the FCPS Food and Nutrition Services website.
Students are welcome to bring their lunch from home.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program introduces students to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables during the school year. All students receive a tasting-size serving of a fruit and vegetable three times per week, along with a nutrition education highlight.
Real Food for Kids Salad Bar
At Annandale Terrace Elementary School, we offer the Real Food for Kids Salad Bar as part of our school lunch. The salad bar features a variety of seasonal fresh fruit and vegetable options that allow students to build a healthy lunch from a rainbow of choices.
Super Snack
The Super Snack program is a nutritious and wholesome snack served at our after school academy.
Cafeteria Etiquette
We have a dining room host who supervises the students during their lunchtime. Please discuss table manners with your children and encourage them to use appropriate table manners in the cafeteria in order to make eating lunch in the cafeteria a pleasant experience for all.
Have Lunch with Us!
Lunches for adults are available for $4.50 and breakfasts are available for $2.20. Since our focus is on wellness and reinforcing healthy eating habits, we do ask that you do not bring food from fast-food restaurants (e.g., French fries, soda) for yourself or your child to share during lunch in the school cafeteria.
Lunch a la Carte Items for Purchase
Students may purchase a la carte items at lunch any day of the school year. Parents are encouraged to pre-pay for those items. Payments may be made before school in the cafeteria. Payments may be made in cash or by check (payable to Annandale Terrace Food Services). If paying by check, please put your child’s name and the teacher’s name on the check. Parents can designate that the money be used for a la carte items only in the lunch menu. Also parents can manage their child’s account from MySchoolBucks.
Health Care Room Service
The school’s health care room service includes:
- Care of sick and injured students according to school guidelines.
- Hearing and vision screening grades K, 3rd , 7th , 10th , new to Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), and those students referred by teachers and family members.
- Administration of care for students with identified medical issues or conditions during the school day.
- Coordination of care for students with identified medical issues or conditions during the school day.
Administration of Medicine
Students may be administered medication at school under strict adult supervision and in accordance with School Board Regulation 2102. In order to administer medication to a student, an "Authorization for Medication" form is required and must be completed prior to medications being administered. Forms are available from the school office as well as online. Parents complete Part I, authorizing administration of the medication and Part II is completed by the physician. Prescription medication may be stored in the health room and given as directed throughout the school year. ALL medications must be taken to and from school by a parent or guardian in a container appropriately labeled and dated. Students may not transport medication to and from school. It must be delivered to the school health room by the parent.
Over-the-counter medications (e.g., pain relievers for headaches or orthodontic pain) may also be administered as authorized by the parent or guardian. In order to administer an over-the-counter medication, the parent or guardian must complete the "Authorization for Medication" form. Over-the-counter medications may be stored in the health room and may be given for up to ten consecutive school days with the parent or guardian’s signature. Beyond ten days, a physician’s signature is required.
Cough drops and throat lozenges may be carried and used by students in Kindergarten through 12th grade as needed throughout the school year, provided that they are in the original container or packaging. Students must not share cough drops or throat lozenges under any circumstances.
Assisting the School’s Health Care Room
- Advise the school health aide of any special health concerns.
- Immediately notify the physical education (PE) teacher if your child has any PE restrictions.
- Provide current home, work, and alternate telephone numbers for the Emergency Care Information form. Generally, a student may remain in the clinic for 20 minutes. After that, if he or she is still feeling ill, parents will be called to take the student home.
- Keep sick children home. It is difficult for students to concentrate or do school work when not feeling well.
- Children who have fevers (temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher), vomiting, or diarrhea are not able to stay in school. It is required for children to stay home for 24 hours following an illness involving vomiting, diarrhea, and/or a temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher.
Illness During School
When a student is ill or injured at school, the parent will be contacted by phone. When arriving to pick up your child, the parent or designated contact person should report to the school office to sign the student out. If the parent cannot be reached, the office will call the emergency number listed on the child's record. It is important that each student’s Emergency Care Cards form is up to date with current information in order for the school to expedite communication with parents or caregivers as quickly as possible. Please see more information regarding Emergency Care Cards in this document.
Health and Safety Guidance for 2022-23
All Fairfax County Public Schools will continue to follow health and safety mitigations to reduce the transmission of viruses. Those mitigation strategies are:
Student Medical Insurance
Fairfax County Public Schools does not provide medical insurance for accidents that occur at school. Parents may want to consider purchasing medical insurance for students and/or their family, if necessary.
K & K Insurance Group has student accident insurance coverage available for purchase by parents. If you do not have other insurance, this plan may be a resource to consider. Additionally, even if you have other coverage, this plan can help fill expensive gaps caused by deductibles and co-pays. Coverage may be purchased at any time during the school year.
The Elementary School Instructional Program
Fairfax County Public Schools provides a Program of Studies that represents a comprehensive instructional framework for every grade level. The Program of Studies (POS) and the Standards of Learning (SOL) include an overview of curriculum areas and objectives listed by grade level. Basal textbooks and supplementary instructional materials (including audiovisual materials and computer software) are listed in three volumes entitled Approved Instructional Materials that are revised periodically. Supporting units, guidelines, and teaching strategies are developed by the FCPS Department of Instructional Services in conjunction with teachers. Annandale Terrace provides a balanced instructional program commensurate with the abilities and educational needs of students in the following areas: language arts, science, mathematics, health, social studies, art, technology, music, and physical education. Our dedicated and talented staff ensures an educational experience reflective of high expectations and best instructional practices.
In addition, the following educational activities and practices are designed to enhance our instructional program.
Band and Strings
Instruction in band is available to students in grade 5, and strings is available for those in grades 4 and 5. The classes meet at least once a week and are held during the school day.
Field Trip Permission
Class field trips expand and enhance instructional opportunities for students. Students take at least one field trip during the school year. A signed permission slip is required in order to participate in any field trip. Permission slips are sent home prior to the trip and must be returned to the school at least one day before the scheduled trip. Children who do not return a permission slip signed by the parent or guardian will be unable to participate in the field trip.
Homework assignments may include studying for upcoming tests, reading and reading responses or doing small projects such as: collecting leaves to identify trees, collecting pictures for a scrapbook, writing creative stories on topics of (personal interest).
School Wide Homework Policy:
Grades K-3: 10-20 Minutes
Grades 4-5: 20-30 minutes
Homework for Family Trips
Our teachers would be happy to recommend some ways parents can work with their child during an extended absence due to a family trip. Students are encouraged to read and write daily while away on an extended trip.
Progress Reports
The FCPS elementary progress report is based on curriculum standards and aligns with the Program of Studies (POS) curriculum students are learning. It is designed to provide parents with comprehensive information about how their child is learning. Parents will receive a progress report for their child at the end of each grading period. Each grading period is nine weeks in length. In addition, parents have access to their students' progress reports through SIS.
As part of communicating with parents' student progress, a parent-teacher conference is scheduled during the first nine weeks. In addition, the teacher or the parent may request additional conferences throughout the year.
Interim reports are sent home at the halfway mark of a nine week period if there is a significant change in a child’s progress. Interim reports are used to communicate exceptional progress, improvement or unsatisfactory progress to parents.
For more additional information regarding FCPS’s elementary progress report, visit Elementary Grading and Reporting Handbook for Parents: Grading Guidelines
The Annandale Terrace PTA strives to improve the quality of our children’s education by encouraging family participation in the educational process. Families are urged to attend PTA meetings, participate in activities, and become part of our highly active and supportive PTA. Families are invited and encouraged to attend and become involved.
Release of Students
Early Release
If a child must leave early, parents are requested to send a note in advance and must sign the child out of school in the office at the appropriate time. To protect instructional time, students will not be called to the office until a parent arrives at school to pick them up. Please allow sufficient time for your child to get to the office and for you to arrive on time for your scheduled appointment.
We will not release any child to any adult other than the parent/guardian or persons listed on the emergency care form. Students may be released to either parent unless prohibited by a court order. If restricted custody has been legally established, a parent must furnish a copy of the custody order to be kept on file in the school office.
Students will not be released after 2:45 pm, unless it is an emergency.
Changes to After School Transportation
In order to ensure all students are dismissed from school safely, a note is required from the parent/guardian of each student involved if transportation methods change. Please send your requests in writing, including the date, the children’s first and last names, the homeroom teacher, and how the students are going home: “Riding bus #____”, “Walking/Going home with __________.” The note should be signed by the parent/guardian and include a phone number where you can be reached for questions or further information. In lieu of a written note, parents can email @email.
Please note that we are unable to process changes in transportation unless both students have provided parent permission in written form via note or email. In the event both students do not have adequate parent permission, each student will be instructed to go home as they normally would go home. The students will be allowed to make a phone call to a parent to inform them of the situation. Each family is responsible to find a nearby neighbor that your child can go to in the event of an emergency.
Should an emergency require that a child walk or ride home with a friend, the parent should call the front office or email the teacher before dismissal on the day the emergency occurs so that staff can make sure your child arrives home safely. If you email the child’s teacher about the change, please also email the attendance line at @email.
As a reminder, arrangements for play dates and visits to friends should be scheduled after students arrive safely home from school.
Safety Patrol
Our student patrols help assist and maintain the safety of all students. Patrols are assigned to the various positions in and around the school and all students are expected to obey the patrols' instructions at all times. Patrols report to staff any students they observe who are not following school safety procedures. Please encourage your child to listen to the patrols and to give them complete cooperation. Please notify the school office if you see violations of rules or potentially dangerous situations.
School Visits
It is a policy of Fairfax County Public Schools that all visitors report to the Office. (A “visitor” is anyone, including a parent, who is not employed by Annandale Terrace.) All visitors, family members, and volunteers are required to sign in at our visitor management system in the school office to improve the security of our students while they are in the building. The system requires that our visitors and volunteers scan their licenses and obtain a photo label name tag before entering the classroom areas. Please remember to bring your license or state issued ID card when visiting the school. Please wear the badge where it can be seen, as it is for your child’s safety.
Student Dress Code
The Fairfax County School Board states that parents have the basic responsibility for the appropriate dress and grooming of their children. “The Fairfax County School Board has as its primary objective the establishment of an instructional program in its schools which strives to draw from each individual the best of his capabilities and to develop within him positive attitudes and actions. In keeping with this objective, the School Board will not condone dress or grooming on the part of the student which is detrimental to the safety and health of students or is distracting to learning.”
Dress Code
The Fairfax County Public Schools Dress Code states:
All students are expected to dress appropriately for a K-12 educational environment. Any clothing that interferes with or disrupts the educational environment is unacceptable. Clothing with language or images that are vulgar, discriminatory, racist and/or culturally divisive, or obscene or clothing that promotes illegal or violent conduct, such as gang symbols, Confederate flags, swastikas, and KKK references, the unlawful use of weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or drug paraphernalia, or clothing that contains threats is prohibited. Clothing should fit, be neat and clean, and conform to standards of safety, good taste, and decency. Clothing that exposes private areas or an excessive amount of bare skin is prohibited.
Examples of prohibited clothing include but are not limited to:
clothing that exposes undergarments
studded or chain belts
clothing constructed of see-through materials
head coverings (i.e., hats, hoods) unless worn for a bona fide purpose (religious, cultural, medical)
School administration may reach out to a student’s family if clarification is needed regarding the purpose of a head covering. School staff will resolve dress code infractions in a discreet and respectful manner and without any of the following: using any direct physical contact with the student or the student’s attire or requiring any student to undress in front of another person. Dress code standards apply to all students. Students who are not compliant with the foregoing may be subject to counseling, loss of privileges, removal from class or activities, or disciplinary action.
The wearing of shoes that contain wheels in the heel, better known as “Heelys” is prohibited. These shoes when used in school buildings can cause injury to oneself, other students, and staff when the wearer loses control and slides into other individuals. These shoes are designed to be used outside in an area where children have lots of room to skate and with a helmet, and, therefore, not allowed in school.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
A safe learning environment is essential for all children. At Annandale Terrace Elementary School, we believe that demonstrating respect, responsibility, and kindness towards self and others is essential for learning. Classroom expectations and school rules will be discussed in detail on the first day of school. We want all children to have a positive experience at school. Please encourage your child to set high standards for behavior and discuss the importance of respect and tolerance toward others.
The Student Rights and Responsibilities booklet is sent to every family at the beginning of the school year. All parents need to read and review the Student Rights and Responsibilities information with their children and return the signed Parent/Guardian Signature Sheet (page 3 of the SR&R booklet) to school. Students will be expected to comply with all FCPS regulations, rules, rights, and responsibilities.
Payments and School Supplies
Cash or Check Payments
When cash is sent to school (e.g., money for school pictures or PTA), please enclose it in an envelope labeled with your child’s name, room number, teacher’s name and purpose. Children should be discouraged from bringing extra cash to school. Each student must be responsible for taking care of his own cash. Please send only the amount needed for the day to avoid problems of loss.
Fairfax County Public Schools gladly accepts checks for payment of various school related purchases and fees. In the event a check is not honored by the bank, the bank will submit the check directly to Checkredi Payment Services for collection. Your account will be debited electronically for the face value amount and charged a fee of $30 per check. If funds are not available, a Checkredi Payment Services representative may contact you to arrange payment.
Please include the following information on your check:
- Full Name
- Street Address
- Phone number
Contact Checkredi Payment Services directly should you have questions about a returned check at 1-800-742-2925 or [email protected].
Online Payments
Online payment for field trips and school store items will be available through the MySchoolBucks School Store. This online payment service provides a quick and easy way to pay for school-related purchases. You will be able to pay for a variety of school fees using credit/debit cards or electronic checks.
MySchoolBucks School Store provides:
- Convenience - Available 24/7 on the web
- Efficiency - Eliminate the need to write checks and for students to bring money to school
- Flexibility - Make payments using credit/debit cards and electronic checks
- Security - MySchoolBucks adheres to the highest security standards
Enrollment is easy!
- Go to the MySchoolBucks link located on your school’s homepage to establish an account
- Add your students using the name of the school they are attending, and either their student ID or birthdate
- You will receive a confirmation email that your account has been established
- Make purchases with your credit/debit card or electronic checks
- There are no convenience fees for using the online payment system
Customer Service:
- 1-855-832-5226
- Visit and click on Help/FAQ’s
School Supplies
Lists of school supplies are distributed by grade level each year. The school provides some supplies. Other supplies may be purchased at local stores.
Other than school supplies, students should not bring items from home unless special arrangements have been made with the classroom teacher. Toys, trading cards (Pokémon cards) or digital games are not allowed at school. Fairfax County Public Schools and Annandale Terrace cannot assume responsibility for lost money or belongings.
It is our priority to ensure all students arrive at and are dismissed from school safely every day. Please adhere to the following safety procedures for the different transportation methods listed below.
Bus Riders
Fairfax County Public Schools regulations for students riding the school buses are sent home for all students. Parents and students are requested to review the information, then sign and return the form to school. Each student must sign a form, as they will ride buses on field trips.
Stay up-to-date on school bus arrivals with FCPS' bus delay notification system. This system provides parents with timely notification of late bus route information. Parents may access the Bus Delay Notification System or use the FCPS Mobile App to receive the delayed bus report. Morning route information will be available until noon. Afternoon bus route information will be available from 1:00 to 7:00 p.m.
A child is permitted to ride the bus to visit a friend after school if the friend rides the bus. However, the parents of both children must write notes giving permission for the visit and these notes must be presented to the bus driver, after being approved in the office. WRITTEN PERMISSION IS A MUST.
Preschool and Kindergarten students must be met at the bus stop each afternoon by a parent, parent designee, or a responsible middle school or older sibling of at least 12 years of age. The FCPS kindergarten bus policy states that if there is no one to meet a kindergartener at the bus stop, the child will be returned to the school and the parents or guardians will be contacted.
In addition, please note that the school bus loop is FOR BUSES ONLY between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. and 2:45 and 3:35 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Passing a school bus that is parked on school grounds is prohibited.
Car Riders
The school has a designated drop-off (for arrival) and pick-up (for dismissal) area located near door 13. This is the only area where students are allowed to be dropped off.
For arrival, students are to be dropped off at car riders drop off area. Staff members will be present during arrival time to assist students. We ask that you use this drop off area and that you do not park and walk your child to class. Please see the following diagram.
For dismissal, students will be picked up at the car riders area. Staff members will be present during dismissal times. All car riders will need a car tag number. All students will receive a car tag number prior to the 1st day of school. Parents must have a car tag number when picking up students in the designated car riders location at dismissal to ensure the safety of all students. In addition, students should be secured with a seat belt in the car before the driver pulls away.
Students may not walk across the parking lot unless accompanied by an adult.
At no time is anyone allowed to park where the yellow “NO PARKING” signs are painted on the curbs. These are fire lanes. Please observe these regulations for the safety of the children.
Skateboards and Rollerblades
Skateboards and rollerblades are NOT permitted on school grounds at any time.
Students who walk home from school will be dismissed from the following locations:
- Door 1 (Main Entrance) - students living on or near Herald St. and Mayfield St.
- Door 4 -students living in or near Ossian Park area
- Door 12 -students living in or near the Wedgewood community
Parents should wait for their child at the corresponding entrance. Walkers must go home immediately after they are dismissed from school.
All students must:
- Go home before playing on school property
- Walk on sidewalks
Parents, please supervise young walkers on their way to and from school and please help to impress upon students the importance of these rules.
Safety Drills
All students are taught safety procedures in case of an emergency. Emergency preparedness drills (i.e., fire drills, tornado drills, lockdown drills) are practiced throughout the school year.
Playground Use Before and After School
School personnel do NOT supervise students at the playground before or after school hours. Parents or guardians must therefore supervise any student wishing to use the playground before or after school hours.
Parents are encouraged to minimize absences during school hours, and to plan family trips and vacations during school holidays. Requests for prearranged absences for one partial school day or longer, must be submitted to the principal within a reasonable time (three to five school days in advance) for the school to review. Requests should be restricted to outlined excused absences, and/or significant hardships which prevent the student from attending school and are subject to administrator review.
Due to varied demands on teachers for make-up work, teachers shall have discretion to decide the type and amount of work and when students shall make up work for pre approved absences. Teachers shall not be required to provide assignments in advance of the absences but may do so at their discretion. Parents and students are encouraged to work with teachers prior to the absence to develop a plan for making up missed work, including expected deadlines. Parents and students are expected to access assignments and class materials through Schoology, and to stay current with assignments while out of school, to the extent possible.