Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics

Our STEAM Teachers

Our STEAM program at Annandale Terrace is comprised of three seperate Specials classes: AART, Computer Science, and STEAM.

Students are also provided with the opportunity to participate in our Get2Green club and initiatives as part of our STEAM program. 


(Advanced Academic Resource Time)

Our Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) aim to offer every student challenging and exciting learning opportunities. This means that students will regularly engage with advanced materials and strategies as part of their education. Every student in grades K-6 will experience AAP curriculum at least once a quarter and will frequently use special thinking strategies designed to boost creativity and problem-solving skills. Our goal is to ensure that all students have access to these enriching educational experiences. 

At ATES, one way to ensure all students have access is to make AART an additional Special, led by our Advance Academic Resource Teacher, Michelle Carr- Hogan. During this time, students in all grade levels focus on developing Portrait of a Graduate (POG) skills. Students also are provided project based learning opportunities in math and science. 

Our Students Love AART!

Computer Science

Computer Science is the "Technology" piece of STEAM. FCPS fosters an inclusive computing culture where students engage in Computer Science Practices. In PreK through grade 12, students:

  • Apply computational thinking to solve problems with or without technology
  • Create, test, and refine solutions using a computer
  • Develop POG attributes and prepare for future careers

Our Computer Science Special is currently led by our School Based Technology Specialist, Ashley Ireland. 

Computer Science Programs


Get2Green is Fairfax County Public Schools' program for taking care of the environment. It helps schools with projects and ideas to make their campuses more eco-friendly. Get2Green provides guidance and resources for teachers and student eco-teams to carry out hands-on environmental projects. These eco-teams work on activities like reducing waste, saving energy, planting gardens, and caring for wildlife. Get2Green also supports programs like Project-Based Learning and the Global Classroom Project that teach students about the environment in exciting and practical ways.

At ATES, the Get2Green initiative is led by Ashley Ireland and Michelle Carr- Hogan. Fifth Grade students are able to participate in the Get2Green Club to help support initiatives. 

Join our Get2Green Initiative!


Our STEAM class is our newest special at ATES. STEAM integration across subjects empowers students to explore real world problems and see themselves in STEAM careers.

  • Students apply science concepts to define and solve problems.
  • Technology and computer science help optimize solutions and bring ideas to reality.
  • Engineering practices are used across content areas to design and test ideas.
  • Arts practices and creative expression enhance designs.
  • Math is used to understand the problem, make predictions, and design solutions.