Parent Center

Parent Coffees

Every other week on Friday, from 9-10 am we host a parent coffee in the Cafeteria.  Come enjoy a cup of coffee and meet other Annandale Terrace parents.

The Role of Family Liaisons

Family liaisons serve as a link between families and schools. They facilitate family-school communication, which empowers families to become more active partners in their children's education.

  • Orient families to Fairfax County PublicSchools(FCPS) and the culture of the school system.
  • Provide strategies parents can use to promote student achievement.
  • Involve families that may not traditionally take part in school activities and events.
  • Provide information to school staff that promotes understanding of students' families and home cultures.

What Family Liaisons Do

Family liaisons work in the schools and community to help families get the information and assistance they need to support their children at home and to ensure their academic success. The parent liaisons represent a variety of cultures, languages, and races and are one component in a school's effort to enhance family involvement.

  • Family liaisons provide a communication link between home and school and currently serve in more than 160 Fairfax County public schools.
  • Principals hire family liaisons to support their schools.
  • Family liaisons are part-time employees; their hours vary depending on the needs of the school.

Programs and Services

Family liaisons are a valuable resource to schools, families, and the community. They provide services such as welcoming and orienting families to the school and the community and familiarizing families with the school's culture, policies, procedures, and practices. Typical tasks of Family liaisons include:

  • Facilitating intercultural understanding and respect in the school and the community.
  • Linking families to school professionals and community resources.
  • Helping parents understand ways in which the family can assist student achievement.

Annandale Terrace Elementary Family Center Liaisons

Family LiaisonLanguagePhoneEmail
Sherry HamzehlooFarsi [email protected]
Yvonne WynnVietnamese703-658-5641[email protected]

FCPS Parent Resource Center

FCPS Family Engagement Resources