
Learn more about our art program

Meet Our Art Teachers

In our Art classrooms, children explore a variety of thinking processes, art forms, materials, techniques, and sources of inspiration to solve artmaking challenges and make meaning of their world. Each grade level in the elementary art program is designed around a developmentally appropriate theme providing students opportunities to question, explore, and document their perception of their place in the world.

Art Curriculum Overview

Kindergarten: Self

In Kindergarten, students will learn:

  • Creative Thinking and Problem Solving: Kids learn to think creatively and solve problems through fun art activities.
  • Idea Development: Children are taught different ways to come up with ideas and plan their art projects.
  • Exploring Art: Students get to see and learn about various artworks and artists from around the world.
  • Artmaking Opportunities: Kids have the chance to create art that is all about them and their world.
  • Safe Use of Materials: Children learn how to safely use different art materials and tools.
  • Hands-On Learning: Through activities like exploring, observing, discussing, reflecting, and making art, kids build their knowledge and skills.
  • Understanding Art’s Value: Students start to learn why art is important in society and how it connects to everything they learn.Create Self Portraits


First Grade: Family

In First Grade, students will learn:

  • Building on Skills: Kids continue to develop the art skills they learned in Kindergarten.
  • New Ways to Create: Children learn new techniques to develop, plan, and express their ideas through art.
  • Exploring Diverse Art: Students are introduced to different artworks and learn to make connections between images and ideas.
  • Safe Art Practices: Kids practice safe ways to use various art materials and tools while improving their skills.
  • Hands-On Learning: Through exploring, observing, discussing, creating, and reflecting, children build their knowledge and independence.
  • Family Themes: Art projects focus on themes related to family, helping kids connect their art to their personal lives.
  • Understanding Art’s Importance: Students gain a deeper appreciation for the value of art in their lives, their families, and the world around them.

Second Grade: Community

In Second Grade, students will learn: 

  • Building Skills: Kids build on their previous art skills, learning new concepts and techniques.
  • Individual and Group Work: Children learn to generate ideas for art projects both on their own and with classmates.
  • Mastering Tools and Materials: Students continue to improve their use of various art media and tools.
  • Creative Expression: Kids are actively involved in creating and expressing original ideas through different subjects.
  • Community Themes: Art projects focus on themes related to the community, helping children understand their place in it.
  • Cross-Disciplinary Connections: Students learn how visual art connects with other subjects, enhancing their overall learning experience.
  • Understanding Art’s Role: Kids become more aware of the importance of visual art in their lives, their families, the community, and different societies.

Third Grade: Culture

In Third Grade, students will learn:

  • Advanced Idea Development: Kids learn more complex ways to develop ideas and express themselves through art.
  • Personal Expression: Children build on their skills in unique ways, finding their personal style.
  • Experimentation: Students are encouraged to play and experiment with art materials and processes to create innovative artwork.
  • Skill Improvement: Kids continue to improve their expertise in using various art media, tools, and processes appropriately.
  • Problem Solving: Children become involved in problem-solving by making choices and taking risks in their art projects.
  • Cultural Themes: Art projects focus on themes related to culture, encouraging inquiry and exploration.
  • Interdisciplinary Connections: Students learn how art connects with other subjects and recognize cultural contributions made through visual arts.
  • Appreciation of Art: Kids expand their understanding of the role of art in their lives, their families, the community, and different cultures.

Fourth Grade: Time

In Fourth Grade, students will learn:

  • Advanced Idea Development: Students practice complex approaches to develop ideas and improve their technical art skills.
  • Independent and Collaborative Work: Children work individually and with peers to ask questions and conduct research for art projects.
  • Effective Communication: Kids learn to recognize and reflect on how art communicates ideas, applying critical thinking to their own and others' artwork.
  • Art Process Assessment: Students assess their art process and discover new ways to understand and convey content and meaning in their artworks.
  • Exploring Time: Art projects focus on the theme of time, encouraging exploration and creative expression.
  • Interdisciplinary Connections: Children explore how art connects with other subjects to generate ideas for personal expression.
  • Advanced Understanding: Kids deepen their understanding of visual art and its importance in their lives, their families, the community, culture, and the world.

Fifth Grade: Globalization

In Fifth Grade, students will learn:

  • Independent Thinking and Innovation: Students are encouraged to think independently, investigate, and innovate in their idea development.
  • Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Judgment: Kids improve their skills in analyzing and judging artworks critically.
  • Problem Solving: Children learn to anticipate problems and devise creative solutions in their artmaking process.
  • Advanced Technical Skills: Students demonstrate advanced knowledge and expertise in using art materials and tools safely and appropriately.
  • Global Concepts: Art projects focus on themes related to globalization, helping kids understand and express their connections to the global society.
  • Creative Expression: Students explore connections between themselves and the world, expressing their understandings and opinions creatively.
  • Appreciation of Art’s Role: Kids learn to appreciate visual art as a meaningful contributor to society, focusing on personal experiences in a global context.

K- 12 Adapted Art

  • Engaging Themes: Each lesson revolves around themes designed to engage students in the art-making process.
  • Skill Building: The curriculum aims to build on the skills students have already mastered, helping them grow and develop further.
  • Student-Centered Approach: Focuses on meeting students where they are in their learning and art-making process.
  • Art Engagement: Opportunities for students to engage with works of art and practice safety in the art room.
  • Expanding Art Skills: Helps students expand their art skills and increase their artistic language.
  • Themes of Self and World: Emphasis on exploring themes related to self and the world around us.
  • Uplifting Student Voices: Focus on uplifting student voices and perspectives through creative expression.
  • Artistic and Expressive Skills: Engages students in art experiences that increase their artistic and expressive skills.
  • Exploring Concepts: Uses creativity to explore concepts of self and the world.

Check Out Some of Our Work