Elementary School Turkey Trot Delights Young Runners

By Ashley Ireland
Photo Gallery
November 27, 2023

On the big day, Annandale Terrace's atmosphere was electric. Before the Trot officially kicked off, students gathered on the field for a lively warm-up session. Ms. Farbstien and Ms. Larson led the youngsters through dynamic stretches and exercises, all while the excitement built for the trot ahead.

As the children made their way around the course, the atmosphere was punctuated by cheers, laughter, and the occasional gobble. Parents, volunteers, and teachers were stationed along the route offer words of encouragement, motivating the little runners to push forward. It's not just a race; it's a celebration of effort, sportsmanship, and the joy of being active.

The elementary school Turkey Trot is more than just a run; it's a festive and heartwarming celebration of health, community, and the joy of childhood. As the young participants circle the course, their smiles and laughter echo the sentiment that physical activity can be fun, fostering a positive attitude towards a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age. The Turkey Trot not only promotes fitness but also builds bonds and memories that will last a lifetime.