School Improvement & Innovation Plan
Learn more about our School Improvement Plan
- By Spring 2025, students with disabilities in 3rd grade will increase their SOL pass rate from 33% to 40%, reducing the failure rate by 10%.
- By Spring 2025, the high risk band of students in grades K through 3 as determined by the Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) will decrease by 5% from Fall 2024 to Spring 2025.
- Increase intentional use of multisensory, visual, verbal, written and/or interactive scaffolds and supports in whole group settings.
- Increase efficiency of instructional delivery to ensure all students have daily access to all components of the language arts block as outlined in the new core curriculum
- Leverage use of daily, explicit language comprehension lessons from the new core curriculum for building knowledge and vocabulary.
- By Spring 2025, students with disabilities will increase their SOL pass rate from 26% to 33%, reducing the failure rate by 10%.
- By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 49% of students in grades 1-5 will demonstrate typical math growth on iReady, compared to 43% in the 2023-2024 school year, reducing the failure rate by 10%.
- Improve teachers’ implementation of Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction.
- Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.
- By June 2025, the grade 5 science SOL pass rate will increase from a 52.6% unadjusted pass rate (Spring 2024) to a 57% unadjusted pass rate, reducing the failure rate by 10%. The intent to reduce the failure will also increase the science SOL adjusted pass rate from 88% to 89% of 5th grade students passing the science SOL test, reducing the failure rate by 10%.
- Increase content and/or pedagogy knowledge in science for all teachers (advanced, general, ESOL, special education).
- Expand the type and frequency of formative assessments to evaluate progress throughout units and lessons, such as exit tickets, four corners, whiteboards, stoplight reflection.
- By June 2025, the total number of chronically absent students will reduce by 10% or approximately 6 students. This correlates to an overall chronically absentee percentage of 10%, which is within the level 1 chronic absenteeism rate for accreditation.
- MTSS Schoolwide and Site Intervention teams analyze attendance along with behavior and wellness data bi-monthly to identify students in need of Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions.
- Teachers will promote student engagement and create a welcoming classroom environment by modeling social and emotional competencies in their interactions with students.
- Teachers will use a variety of culturally-responsive practices and communication methods to provide supportive outreach to students and families when student attendance concerns arise.